Obligatory new computer pic

Published February 05, 2008

That's my new iMac on the right, collection of USB gadgets on the left. Not nearly as impressive as some of the rigs I've seen in the journals, but I've got enough stuff now to do pretty much whatever I wish, game dev wise.
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February 06, 2008 01:42 PM
everyone's rig setup is impressive in some way. I like your use of space. Got lots of stuff crammed in there and it all looks organized. My pile of junk looks organized to me but everyone else prob just sees a pile of junk :P
February 06, 2008 11:46 PM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by Gaiiden
everyone's rig setup is impressive in some way. I like your use of space. Got lots of stuff crammed in there and it all looks organized. My pile of junk looks organized to me but everyone else prob just sees a pile of junk :P

That's what the desk was like before I got the iMac and those wire things to use as shelves!

There's a few too many wires; they tend to get everywhere. Getting a USB hub was a good idea as they're now all on the side away from the computer. With a little side table to the right I've got a fair amount of desk room, although since I'm in a one-room unit until I finish my studies the desk is pretty much all I have...
February 07, 2008 12:03 AM
Looking pretty spanky.

I wish my desk were less cluttered and ugly so everyone could see what nice hardware I'm rolling. [grin]
February 08, 2008 10:18 AM
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