
Published November 04, 2007
Sorry about the lack o' updates; I've been skimping a bit in the ol' game developing department. I've been using my spare time to work on my desire to start a webcomic, although that's led to me spending a lot more time surfing the more interesting sites I've found in my "research" rather than working.

It's November, which means it's the (Inter)National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo. Amongst the long list of things I've wanted to do in my lifetime is write a novel, but there's no way I'm going get that done this year, alas. My writing project for this month is to put some mad work into my dissertation write-up, and I've only got the typing energy for one overly wordy document.

However I'm sure some of you Journalteers are working on a novel this month, and I wish you all the best. I'm keen on reading on how you go, so don't mind posting a line or two in your own journals about your writing project.
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Check out my journal for the first chapter in my attempt this year
November 05, 2007 11:48 AM
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