For the most part, it turned out rather well. I wasn't completely sure what to expect since this is the first GDC I've ever been to, but I wasn't disappointed, it was a good time.
Some background for those of you who haven't been to the GDC, essentially it's split into a few components:
- The expo floor with a bunch of booths where various companies vie for attention by giving away gaudy trinkets
- Sessions, which are basically one hour speeches on some topic
- Tutorials, which are essentially one-day classes on something
- Parties, which I was generally not cool enough to be invited to ;)
The sessions were for the most part really interesting. There were a few that were disappointing, and some other ones that were obviously marketing ploys (which I'm sure will shock approximately... nobody), but otherwise most of the sessions were good. I should have some summaries up soon. I think the real standouts for me were Peter Molyneaux's talk about his new innovation in Fable 2, and the session about making games for non-hardcore gamers. The sex in games round-table was also fascinating, although I think it would be rather hard to somehow make a discussion on sex not interesting.
The expo was.. pretty much what you'd expect an expo to be like. It was, uh, loud and there were lots of blinking lights. I think Wizard of The Coast gave out the best free stuff (a travel mug and a game! Hoorah!), although for the most part the entire thing is kind of a blur. Also, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of booth babes. I realize that sounds rather shallow, which is only precisely because it is, but dammit I'm a shallow person. Not to say there weren't pretty girls at various booths of course, but for the most part there really wasn't anything entertainingly scandalous (although I suppose most people would probably consider that a good thing, when you consider E3).
It was also a lot of fun meeting the various people who make GDNet run in person. They definitely made things a lot easier for a rather naive and unprepared first timer such as myself, which I'm very much grateful for.
Unforuntately Molyneaux has a history of talking up game ideas he can't capitalise on, as he did to great extent with the original Fable along with every other Lionhead game. I would be greatly interested if his ideas were genuitenly innovative and implementable though.
I'd be interested in your report of this session. It sounds very informative.
You'll have to write up this one as well [grin].
Bah, GDC is for game development professionals. You should be wowed by a presentation on new techniques for real-time blur effects. Especially if they're presented by attractive women.
I've wondered how weird it would be to meet a group of GDnetters, as I've got no real mental picture of what anyone looks or sounds like.