Impromptu Holiday

Published March 07, 2007
Not that much to update on game development, I'm afraid, as I'm presently on an impromptu holiday in Melbourne. Technically it's a working holiday, as I'm occasionally typing things up on my laptop, but I've been mooching around a bit more than I should. It sucks when you need to be doing a lot of quality writing to be unable to string together a coherant train of thought because you'd rather be sleeping.

I managed to get back into my research building on Monday to clear away my stuff. Despite having been cleaned the place looked pretty trashes - stained carpet, random soggy items piled on the desk, terrible moldy smell. Thankfully on inspection most of my important items were fine - my filing cabinet and the top two shelves of my bookcase were unaffected. Everything I had left on the floor, the bottom shelf, or most of my desk was a soggy mess though - although luckily my bottom shelf only had stationary supplies. I don't know what my office computer will be like - I doubt it was unaffected, but that should be replaceable and I have backups of the important files. So all in all I think I got off pretty well - although some of my fellow grad students weren't quite so lucky, especially those based in the computer vision lab which turned into an indoor swimming pool.

So given there wasn't much reason to hang around in Canberra when contractors are fixing the roof at work, I decided to visit family in Melbourne for a few days. I'm also trying to catch up on work on my laptop, but I'm mostly catching up with the family. And sleep.

As for game development, I'm presently up to the following:
  • Bought a few more books, mainly on business or marketing which are interesting reading. There's a game design book waiting for me in Canberra when I get back.
  • I am trying to type up an article on the indie business approach to help better understand the process.
  • Although I don't have my audio tools with me I do have access to a piano, so I'm working on that music for Stompy's Blockman game that I said I'd do a while back but keep forgetting to finish. I haven't found a decent tracker program yet for the Mac so I will have to wait until I get back to my PC to properly encode them, but I can work on the score on the piano.

I will also need to determine exactly what my goals are once I'm back at my desk in Canberra. I had plans to finish a number of things by Easter, but with the change in plans due to the storm I might have to reassess what I can do in time. Still, there are a number of weeks left so it should still be possible. We'll see.
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I hope you finish that article about the indie biz stuff. I could always stand to know more. Also my best wishes to you guys for recovering from that hellish storm, you'll have to post an update about how things are going on the recovery end when you get back.
March 10, 2007 07:40 AM
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