The Man with the Golden Guess

Published January 29, 2007
Totally Pointless Competition #1

Behold my desktop!
Behold my desktop!

It's a piece of concept art for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. I've had this as my desktop for ages, several months before the game was released I think. There's something about it that draws me to it. Pity the actual game was total pants though.

There were only three attempts to guess what the image were. Special props to both John Hattan and Prinz "Mark the Artist" Eugn for accurate guess about what I want to change the image to. I'm thinking it's best I replace the old image with some motivational Inkscape drawing of my own. But sadly that's not what the image is yet.

So the Man with the Golden Guess has to be ildave1 for his guess of a "landscape of a vast forest of knowledge", as the image is some kind of landscape, and there is some sort of a forest in the background. And I suppose there's some knowledge of farming involved in growing tomatoes represented in there too.

So congratulations to ildave1! A big round of applause and admiration to the first winner! Your superior desktop guessing skills are unmatched!
Time for the competition for this week...

Totally Pointless Competition #2
In 20 words or less, convince me why you are the best candidate to be appointed Emperor/Empress of Earth.

The person who makes the most convincing argument will replace ildave1's position of fame at the top of my journal as well as earn my support as supreme world leader.
P.S. As for progress, I'm still working through my reorganisation. I'm trying to adapt David Allen's "Getting Things Done" management strategy to my own personality, as well as using the opportunity to clear the massive backlog of crud that I haven't properly organised in the last few years. I've spent most of the last few days sifting through a collection of papers that could stack up to my armpits. I'll post a proper update of what I've been up to once I've gotten things stabilised around here. Warning: may contain pictures of filing.
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Sir Sapo
Because if you dont let me be Emperor, you'll all be crushed under the weight of my mighty war machine....

EDIT; damn 21 words...

EDIT #2: 20 words, contractions FTW!
January 29, 2007 08:50 AM
...because I really (really) need the money.

[13 words to spare, so Sir Sapo can have one for the above]
January 29, 2007 09:03 AM
I think I should be Emperor because I would crush humanity's enemies with an iron fist and display their shattered and bleeding bodies so all may see what comes from interfering with my society.

Also, tax breaks.

In less than 20 words: Think of the children. Also, tax breaks.
January 29, 2007 09:20 AM
Quote: Original post by Trapper Zoid
In 20 words or less, convince me why you are the best candidate to be appointed Emperor/Empress of Earth.

Because I don't want to be Emperor of the Earth.
January 29, 2007 10:51 AM
Because I like cheese and goats.
January 29, 2007 11:57 AM
Because democracy has failed.... And I was first to put my hand up.
January 29, 2007 04:02 PM
Quote: In 20 words or less, convince me why you are the best candidate to be appointed Emperor/Empress of Earth.
Because I know the difference between "less" and "fewer" and when one is preferable over the other in sentence structure.
January 29, 2007 08:25 PM
Because I will force an industry wide increase in game programmer's wages. And have gov't subsidized indie games.

January 29, 2007 08:51 PM
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