Lack of Update

Published November 13, 2006
Random Thought for the Day
I wonder what Wavinator is up to; haven't seen him post lately. Hope he's okay; the design forum just isn't the same without him.

It seems my short visit back home combined with a couple days of feeling slightly unwell and the somewhat unwise decision to order in that box of budget games has hit my productivity for six. It's all too easy to just get sucked into playing games rather than developing them. I suppose it's partly due to me not buying that many games this year, and I've been overdue buying some new ones. But given I've got now more than half a dozen titles of the more epic variety sitting in shrink-wrap in my cupboard I can't really afford to just play them out; I'll be busy well into 2007. On the upside I won't feel as compelled to buy a new console just yet [smile].

Guess it's time to build up a bit more discipline by re-establishing a good working routine. It'll probably start with a day or two of just staring at my comments figuring out what the hell I was coding, but that's better than nothing. Plus my log-list of interesting game ideas for development in 2007 is getting larger, and I'll have to be a heck more productive than this if I want to start making headway on that list!

Update on my progress on Ice Slider to be made next week. Hopefully with pictures.
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Tell me about it [grin]

I'm feverishly trying to finish Diablo 2 in Hell difficulty, solo mode. It'll haunt me too much if I don't finish it so I've gotta get it outa my way.
November 13, 2006 08:43 PM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by LachlanL
Tell me about it [grin]

I'm feverishly trying to finish Diablo 2 in Hell difficulty, solo mode. It'll haunt me too much if I don't finish it so I've gotta get it outa my way.

My problem right now is I'm playing Fable: The Lost Chapters which I'm really enjoying. The game's pretty shallow and it's got plenty of flaws but the general atmosphere of the game is brilliant so I'm really enjoying it (even though I've already sampled the Xbox version).

But that's not the big problem; I'll probably get sick of that in a week. The problem is the next game in my pile is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Then there's three reasonable decent RPGs and a copy of Egosoft's X2 that are all now budget. I think I've also got copys of Far Cry and Deus Ex: Invisible War in there too. It's pretty amazing how much interesting stuff was released for the PC back when I was too busy to play those games, and now I'm still playing catch-up (although technically I should still be just as busy, sigh.) At least it's a heck of a lot cheaper to wait until they're budget!

Only downside is 2007 looks like it's going to be a crunch year for me, so I'll have to get organised if I wish to stay sane.

November 13, 2006 09:05 PM
Quote: Original post by Trapper Zoid
Random Thought for the Day
I wonder what Wavinator is up to; haven't seen him post lately. Hope he's okay; the design forum just isn't the same without him.
He's probably been busy typing up the mother of all posts. [lol]
November 14, 2006 12:02 AM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by Kazgoroth
Quote: Original post by Trapper Zoid
Random Thought for the Day
I wonder what Wavinator is up to; haven't seen him post lately. Hope he's okay; the design forum just isn't the same without him.
He's probably been busy typing up the mother of all posts. [lol]

Heh, that one made me smile. Although that's what I miss; having a good read in the design forum. Plus he was making a game that's close to what I'd love to make one day.

Although that reminded me of the boolean comic, which further reminded me: where the heck is boolean these days? Or PatBert - I loved Swing the Cat! Darn.

November 14, 2006 01:34 AM
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