Quick question

Published March 14, 2006
I've been thinking a bit about how to model a robot in my game. While I'm going to be making the game in 2D, it just seems to make sense to model a blocky robot with a 3D modelling program and take snapshots to use as 2D sprites.

The problem is that I haven't actually used a 3D modelling program in depth, and I'm not sure what's available. I did once try Blender, but the learning curve on that is horrendous. While I'm up to try Blender again, does anyone have any suggestions for a simple, preferrably free (or cheap) 3D modelling program that I could use to model 2D sprites?
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I've only really used Anim8or and Wings3D, but I did find them very easy to use, unlike that GUI atrocity that is Blender. Plus I think the guys over at Moonpod are using Wings3D, so it should do the trick.

Edit: Everything mentioned is free.
March 14, 2006 06:14 PM
Trapper Zoid
Ah, I'd forgotten about Wings3D! I've seen that mentioned around here a few times. I guess I'll download all three modellers and try them out to see which one I like the best.
March 14, 2006 06:48 PM
They all seem pretty tough to me, I think it's one of those things that just "clicks" with you when you figure it out.

I know other games that use the whole 3d modelled things then taking snapshots of the model in different positions to make sprites. Back in the day when hardware wasn't so powerful that's how many games did it, including a beautiful amiga game I remember called "Stardust"
March 15, 2006 03:03 AM
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