I am proud to release the first update this year. The Academy Halls update is now live.
I will give you a quick overview of the update. If you are interested in more details, you can read the previous dev logs.
But first, I want to thank Madraox for his work. Most of the voxel monsters, their animati…
Welcome to the first update in the year 2024. I am proud to introduce you to a PvE world-level Academy Halls. The level is 25x times bigger than Sludge Madness but belongs to the same setting.
This is the first world-level and there are several more planned. In Academy Halls, you wander a lost unive…
I used the holidays to rework the training area and tutorial and added a new world zone.
Compilation CoreAfter leaving your cell you will now enter the Compilation Core.
It acts as a connection to other world levels. I plan to add an area for raid creation and another hallway for more zones.
Traini…I added adamant mechanics for all levels.
Firebound ForgeEvery meteor will spawn a dragon egg. Those eggs need to get destroyed, or dragonkins spawn.
Pit of ElementsAt the start of the boss fight, Khorin spawns a big vortex that rotates around the arena. Another vortex spawns, ev…
All changes on the Beta branch are now live on Steam. I will reiterate all changes below. If you already read the beta posts, you can skip the points.
New TrailerThanks for all your feedback and suggestions for the new Trailer. Primarily I wanted to show the new raiding interface and some enhanced …
The goal is to give our players various items to choose from. For this example, our players will choose a weapon, armor for protection, and boots. We want to visualize these choices on the character.
The imagined system should enable quick equi…
I spent most of the week redesigning the face meshes of the avatars. It began with an experiment last Sunday with a new mesh for the druid.
It was such an improvement, that I needed to redesign the rest of the faces.
New boot meshI got a new boot mesh from Madraox and added…
In the last update, I presented a new logo for Raiding.Zone. This week, I reworked the complete artwork for the product page.
I also updated the road map for the rest of this and the upcoming year.
Movement SpellsAfter the community poll on movement spells, I added a new item t…
Pit of Elements is now released on the live server. It is a 2.5-phase fight.
The first phase contains lightning vortexes and stone pillars. The stone pillar will always spawn on the damage camp. The vortex will spawn on the tank that doesn’t have boss aggro. If there is only one tank the vortex will…