"Just as quantum mechanics tells us that we cannot accurately measure position and momentum at the same time,
we also proved this with Photon Bolt!"
As mentioned last week, this week we started to upgrade from Photon Bolt to Photon Fusion.
The structure and API of Fusion are complete…
Hey guys, the key art of Hunt-or-Haunt has been released. Do you like it?
Sorry, this week’s update should be a little late, because we are still testing stability.
In the next few weeks, we decided to upgrade our networking solution from Photon Bolt to Photon Fusion,
It should be able to solve the n…
Last week, after nine weeks of hard work,
We finally released our alpha version on Google Play and App Store.
Thanks to many enthusiastic developers, we have received a lot of good feedback and continue to improve our Hunt-or-Haunt.
Since our game is a multiplayer battle game, how to…