I rewrote the Pong game to WebGL 1.0 and TypeScript from the tutorial: https://noobtuts.com/cpp/2d-pong-game
I use a free hosting and sometimes my Node.js/Express server sleeps. Wait 10 second to wake up the server.
Run the release version in the browser: http://ivan8observer8.herokuapp.com/webgl10-t…
Playground for WebGL and TypeScript version: https://plnkr.co/edit/7gjdZi2GNHZvtHQEMc4Y?p=preview
Original Tutorial: https://noobtuts.com/python/snake-game
ToDo List for OpenGL 3.1, OpenTK and C# will be here: https://trello.com/c/x8VwvUJr/3-snake-2d-from-noobtuts-in-opengl-31-and-c
ToDo List for …
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