So I had some other projects and assignments on the last 2 months. Some decisions have been made in the project but not much advancment. For the National Videogame Contest https://www.videojuegosmx.com/ and decided to make small updates so I could have a better chance.
If you want to play this ve…

Some days ago the developer of this tools posted this on reddit
definitely should check out.
For the project, the vaporwave mode activates when tha player reaches the maximum capacity on the bus and keeps adding passenger for it. The idea was to "spherify" the bus as it was being overcrowd…

The idea is that this "bochos" (more car pardoys in the future) come and hit you, you can loose passengers so you earn less money. From time to time, the bus arrives to the bus stop to refill with passengers. Basically thats it.
I think it looks cute on that screenshot.
The game is designed f…

So as part of my social service Im tasked with doing this game, mostly designed and directed by me.
What is Vapeseras?
"Vapeseras" is a mix of two words:
Vapor - The direct reference for vaporwave.
Pesera - Its a kind of common buses used in the public transport of mexican cities. That nam…