I have been at this for almost two years now, and I have run out of things too say. I think I said it as well as I ever will and would really like this blog to end on the “leave them laughing” note of the glimpse of the robot story arc of the last post in the comments in the previous blog entry. Af…

I am looking for a programmer who is interested in making an indie game called Space Hockey. The design document can be downloaded from my blog on GameDev.Net. There are also over 600 pages of material relating too my 14-game Pirate Dawn Universe on this blog.
For now I am only looking for a program…

Welcome, sports fans, to the Colonial Space Hockey League!
Founded in 2322 the CHL features ships, weapons, and equipment reminiscent of the primitive technologies of the piracy crises of the early colonial era. In the earliest days of their Post-Terrestrial Age humanity's fledgli…

*** *** *** It's a Kind of Resume... (Kind of....) *** *** ***
I spent 20 years sending resumes, letters, you name it, to game companies. Nobody ever even responds. In the 20 years I spent doing that only one company ever even responded... and they hired me. I have 20 years of actual experience t…

Happy Birthday America!!! In return for all that you have done for me, here is the best birthday present that I could possibly give back too you... The Long Telegram of July 4th, 2017!
*** *** *** Long Telegram of July 4th, 2017 *** *** ***
The Truth is Out There...
*** *** Territories Timeline…

*** Ok... The True Final Word on Rube... ***
I wanted the last post to be the last post of this blog, but I don't want this to end like it is ending. I though by this point injecting aEURoeOne Flash of Pirate LordaEUR? into what was being said would be at least a little funny to the audience at this…

*** *** *** A Final Word About Rube (Or... One Flash of Pirate Lord;-) *** *** ***
This will be the last post of this blog. If nobody in the modern game industry has any interest in Rube... Well... That is actually not surprising too me anymore. What I call the aEURoemodern game industryaEUR? might …

*** *** *** The Story *** *** ***
This blog was more about revealing the story that is wrapped around all of the games of the PDU than it was about the games themselves. I am revealing parts of the overall PDU story a little bit disconnected from each other to not reveal too much of the overall stor…

*** *** *** Pirate Dawn, The "Flagship Game" of the Pirate Dawn Universe *** *** ***
This is not a playable board game, it is a design document for a computer game. This is what I think of as "Pirate Dawn II", it is the same 2005 version of the game that I have shown here before. Also inc…

*** *** *** Pirate Dawn Universe *** *** ***
"The ultimate goal of commercial game design is to solve the equation 1 + 1 = Chess." - Marc "Kavik Kang" Michalik (2005)
This developers diary is devoted to the Pirate Dawn Universe. This gaming universe has been under development for over 20 y…