A very interesting article on Ninja Theory's realtime motion capture technology as seen in Hellblade, and demoed at GDC and at SIGGRAPH.
1. you can draw a million animated plants with no culling using instancing with static instance data. dynamic data is another story ( 60 vs 23 FPS i7 6700K 4Ghz single thread, GTX1080 10-20% overclocked, vsync on at 60Hz, DX9 hardware instancing, single static vs single dynamic buffer, LOCK_WRITEON…
Use of the Golden Ratio when modeling plants
Found this on YouTube:
Under …
thoughts on fix-your-timestep and the spiral of death:
in the fix-your timestep algo its generally assumed that on average ET will be < DT.
with no ET cap, when accumulator >= 2*DT, fix-your-timestep will update twice before rendering (IE it drops a frame).
while this is only an issue with sl…
The Grand List Of Console Role Playing Game Cliches
There are few people who love a good console RPG more than I. Games like Final Fantasy, Grandia, and Skies of Arcadia set a standard of majesty and wonder and immersion that American game designers are…
from the Intel website: