Gateway to the Mountain Forest - Speed Level Design | Environment Design

posted in NekrosArts
Published September 02, 2019

The player is standing before the ruins of a gateway to a mountain. What will expect him?

In front of the gateway everything is fine and well-known, but behind it I wanted the player to feel lost and give the environment a cool feeling. That´s why the grass at the players´ side is more healthy. On the other side it becomes a little more pale. Also the sun in only falling on and before the ruins. I used color correction to give the environment in the back a blueish tint.

What do you think? Do you have an idea how to increase polarity on both sides?

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I have hidden something in the video. Comment if you found it ;)

September 06, 2019 10:45 PM

Hello. I hunted for it twice :) but I can't say I found it. Unless it's the post process item. 

[This Video] talks about volumes. but only helps when the camera enters/approaches which might be cool when passing through the arch. 

Then there was [this] portal idea when looking through the arch...might be a lot of work doing things twice as suggested in the lesson.


September 09, 2019 02:23 PM

I´ve hidden a character there :)

Thanks for the hints: especially the second one is interesting. I started using volumes in my open world level design series but havn´t adjusted them yet.

September 12, 2019 11:11 AM
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