#2 New System Works

Published June 27, 2018

I finally got the new system working. I have never made that many mistakes in an algorithm at once, which explains why it took so long for me to post an update.

Anyway. Now I can run more than 10000 Humans at once (however only random walking). The World has multiple Noisemaps overlapping each other generating a much more interesting terrain. The System allows for efficient pathfinding to be implemented. 

Now I will be able to do much more actual content. UI, Pathfinding and developing the systems which drive the simulation will be a big task.

The 3 pictures show you the world at different states of expansion. The red dots being the humans, that explore the world and thus generate the new chunks when necessary.




In case you have seen the pictures from my last entry and are wondering where the grass went. Sorry about that. It will come back eventually.

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I look at your pictures, I look at your numbers, and two things happen.  I get jealous and I have to remind myself of what I've done so I should just chill, and I get excited thinking about what you could do with this.  But I see it's going to be a dwarf fortress clone... interesting.

June 28, 2018 10:33 PM
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