Latest gamevideo Activity

Natalia Shuhman shares the Alconost Video Production department’s experience in game trailer and teaser production.
You may have heard that Alconost is a localization company, and we do indeed localize games into more than 70 languages. But we also create videos for games, and that is the subject of…

When promoting your game on local markets, it makes sense for the game's advertising materials to be translated into the native language of the target audience. Suppose you've already translated the bulk of the content for the game's store page — localized the description, retaken the screenshots. …

When you are planning an advertising campaign for your game, the question arises: how can you diversify the content sufficiently in order to make it suitable for various advertising platforms all while not going broke?
We made nine long and nine short video clips to advertise the game Guild of Heroe…