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Update V3.5 - content update
After the long summer break, there is good news for Behind the Horizon. Another free update with new exciting content is now available.
- 1 new annual village festival in Woodhome
- the truffle pig including 3 new recipes using truffles
- the story mode for ‘comb…

Hello Community,
Behind the Horizon now has 2 big story DLCs and also in terms of optimisation and simplification a lot has happened in the last few months.
As the big autumn sales are currently taking place, I wanted to draw your attention to my game once again :-) !
- If you want a farm game that d…

Hello Community,
the time has come: The new DLC - Behind the Horizon "The Sky Fortress" is available for everyone today!
In addition to a large patch, which is accessible to all players for free and adds new exciting content such as jumping, the DLC will tell the main story to the end in another 4 c…

Hello Community,
The work on the DLC The Sky Fortress is now finished and I will use the rest of the time until the release at the beginning of September for extensive test play.
If you want to find out more, you can already take a look at the DLC shop page. There you will find a lot of details.
Yes, exactly a small, steadily growing community would be my goal. That's why I asked about other ways to show the game somewhere where there are players who like special indie games.
At the moment, the only thing that works well is to always find new micro-influencers, but that is of course very te…