
2018 Gamedev Fall Challenge

by lawnjelly


Although I've been very busy moving house and not been able to do much in the last few weeks, I have put together a barebones build for the challenge. I will hopefully do a bit more work on it.

There is so far a windows and linux build, and untested mac. I haven't managed to get android build working yet as current stable Godot only supports OpenGL ES 3, and ES 2 is in alpha.

27/11/18 - There is now HTML5 version which seems to work, although the ground colours are wrong, and there are some pauses on changing levels, but it is playable.


  • Cursor keys to move, TAB toggles camera view, Escape to pause

There is also a download of the assets I made, they are free for use for anyone on the challenge etc (Creative commons license inside). Let me know if there are other files that I have missed out that would be useful.

Last updated November 24, 2018
Release Date
November 19, 2018