Rise of Titans

Rise of Titans is a strategy CCG with an interactive board and a changing environment

by parzi


Strategy CCG Rise of Titans soft launches July 31st

Rise of Titans will soft launch on Steam as an early access this July 31st, and will be available for PC, Mac and Linux. This will be our first game released to the market and it’s already available to Wishlist on Steam.

RoT is a free-to-play collectible card game heavily strategy orientated and with the uniqueness of an interactive battlefield. You can modify it by using your spells and gain advantage from your opponent. In this immersive world, there are 3 mythological factions and +100 cards to build your deck from.

To make yourself an idea, Rise of Titans is a mix between Warhammer’s strategy, Magic: the gathering’s deepness, and Hearthstone Usability.


A little bit of lore…

The magic portal to Zorocu, a mysterious forest, is open and gods from ancient mythology are transported and confined in this dangerous world. Incarnate one of these gods (Isis-Egyptian, Ullr-Norse, or Atenea-Greek), reunite your allies and fight for your freedom.

Teaser Rise of Titans English.mp4



  • There are three types of cards and many different abilities.

  • Artifacts are unique for each hero. In your hands and you and your allied units will benefit from its power.

  • Spells can be used as attack and defense, but also to modify the environment. Have you ever wanted to transform a mountain into a volcano? Burn a forest and expose a hidden enemy unit? Destroy a city so you opponent can’t heal themselves? In Rise of Titans you can!

  • Creatures are divided in tribes. Each tribe have unique abilities and characteristics that, if well used, can turn around the odds and make you win.

  1. Zombies, if you find one alone kill it fast, but if it’s a horde you better run as fast as you can! Their ability is scavenging: the more zombies in the cemetery, the more powerful they become.
  2. Beasts, you can find them anywhere, but they can be hard to control. Place them in their natural habitat and their power will shine.
  3. Elementals are nature’s personification. They are powerful allies but with short lives. With each turn, they fade away. Make sure to make the most out of them.
  4. Spirits can be frightening the battlefield, hidden where you least expect them. They’ll freeze your enemies and combined with elementals can be game changing.
  5. Giants, big and slow but with a tremendous force, they attack reach is enormous.
  6. Humans, faithful allies, diverse in abilities and weaknesses. Know them well before sending them to battle.
  7. Humanoids combine human intelligence with beast force, they are versatile in every spot on the battlefield.

New Gameplay RoT.mp4


Text doesn’t show the fun in the playability, so we encourage you to add Rise of Titans in your Wishlist to be the first to play it when it’s out, July 31st. Also, for you, early birds, a welcome pack will be available during the early access.



And if you want exclusive contect and talk directly to the dev team, join our discord https://discord.gg/v2hwhRV


Social media

 [Twitter] http://www.twitter.com/rot_official

[Instagram] http://www.instagram.com/play_rot

[Facebook] http://www.facebook.cm/RiseofTitansGame

[Youtube] https://goo.gl/i1tdNK

Last updated July 30, 2018
In Development
Release Date
July 29, 2018