ArcadeFighter Game Engine

A game engine to learn with.

by TooOld2rock-nRoll


The Arcade Fighter Engine is a studying project.

It is NOT in any way or form a stable and robust commercial game engine, it is offered as is with no guaranties. We may get there one day, but for now, it's simply not the objective of this project to offer a professional solution. It should fill all the needs for a complete and well round game though, just don't expect live support.

What we mean by a studying project is that it's meant for people studying programming (mainly C/C++), software engineering and game design in all its forms and levels. Maybe not well suited for complete beginners flying solo, but it offers a transparent box for the initiated to crawl through and play with. Our code tries to be easy to read and well documented as much as possible, we follow good practices and well established standards so you may follow too, all our sources for ideas and algorithms are stated at the classes headers for the ones wishing for a deep dive on specific subjects.

For now, we'll stay focused in being a "programmer's engine", since there is A LOT to be done just in that sense, but we will eventually implement some features and tools to make life more enjoyable for game designers and graphical artist. Although, in essence, this will still be a programmers oriented project.

Last updated November 21, 2024
Release Date
November 13, 2024