An RTS Space Opera...

by SalveDevelopment


Salve Development is working on a new indie space RTS!

Hi folks! My name is Kahtide, the developer behind indie studio Salve Development!

I've been hard at work for several years on my indie real-time strategy title 'SALVE', and this year I've been making an effort to share my work with people online.

That's why I'm posting here today! I'd encourage you to watch to attached trailer, leave a comment, and check out my website for more details on the game and the studio. I really appreciate your attention and interest! Please feel free to leave comments and questions below and I'll be glad to reply back.

SALVE is a complex, interwoven space opera with multiple unique campaigns. Populated by numerous alien species, the player takes command of one of four alien factions and their associated starship fleet, each group representing a unique culture with particular motivations that guide their path through the stars. As the dark shadow of war looms over the galaxy, the player is forced to fight against other factions, survive deadly stellar hazards, and make difficult decisions to ensure their success and survival.

This project is being developed in GameMaker Studio 2, and a lot of solid art, programming, and sound has already been added, including features like:

  • Seven unique fleets to encounter. Four are player-controlled, while three appear as NPC fleets that the player will encounter and/or fight against.
  • Dozens of unique starship powers are available for players to research, build, and use. Small ships can select a single upgrade package called a Focus, while large Capital ships can build multiple Sections, allowing them to field two or more powers at the same time.
  • An exciting and wholly original soundtrack with more than a dozen songs covering a range of genres, including jungle, drum & bass, funk, and house.
  • Original animated pixel art for units, projectiles, resources, characters and backgrounds. Multiple graphics systems are also included, including particle effects, zooming, surfaces, and parallax backgrounds.
  • A complex State system has been coded in GML which controls dozens of units and ship states, managing intricate unit behaviors for combat, resourcing, researching, construction, docking, and more.

I really love working in GameMaker a lot, and I'm eager to continue adding more content to SALVE over the next few months! I'm planning on releasing a working Alpha Demo sometime in the next few months, with features like:

  • Mission triggers for single-player missions and campaigns.
  • Dialogue and character portraits for four Alpha missions.
  • Group and Formation controls for large selections of ships.
  • Sound effects for weapons fire, projectile impacts, engine thrust, and more.
  • A rudimentary artificial intelligence system for NPC/CPU vessel control.
  • GUI improvements to the main game screen, Research/Sensors screens, and Construction menus.

If you're interested in learning more about SALVE, check out my website at! If you'd like to support my work, you can help out via Patrons get special rewards, including monthly updates on the state of the game, as well as exclusive downloads! This month and last month's Patron posts are public, so feel free to check them out!

Last updated August 28, 2023
In Development
Release Date
December 31, 2025

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August 28, 2023