"Balance" is a survival video game whose objective is to bring the player to interact with his environment, to understand the diversity, the food chain and the fragile balance of a European forest.
In this game, the main objective is to place the player in the food chain so that he can learn or relearn to respect his ecosystem and learn about his environment and the impact it has on it. One of the important elements is to confront the player with his choices and their positive or negative consequences. My objective is to offer the player a balanced, coherent and realistic ecosystem in which he will have to find his place, manage his needs in balance with those of his environment and his environmental impact.
Feature :
- Survival gameplay based on realistic skills
- Crafting and building
- A world randomly generated
- Day and night cycles
- The 4 seasons
- Realistic fauna and flora
You will find here the links concerning my project:
The link of my crowfounding: