Hello, I started my first solo project, Draw from Earth, since last august, It is still far from the complete, Yet I think i need some feedback and what to do next. Of course I have plans, but usually plan comes from my own, So I felt kind of limitation, I've keep searching alternative approaches.

In Game Play Screenshot.
Game is basically Inspired from Duelyst, Summon your forces, Defeat Flagship, Get Resources, And Deck Building Game.
When I started this project, My main area was programming, But even that, I wish to make my own stuff, So I did some modeling, drawing, design stuff as novice.
Game Development is kind of real changeling aspect of my entire life. Of course I had lots of odd in my life, But this process is my first "I'll do What I like", And Not just spending time, I had to learn "Adding values what I care most". Some people, These catch phrase is just meaning nothing, Cause it is damn right and natural in life, But wasn't Mine.
I really Like card playing game, In randomness, Having plans, Imagine What capable of, Abstract form as card, I was really fan since young. So it maybe bold move to choose these type of game as first game development, Cause I've seen that first project should be small, make it within 2 months kind of that. I know that is wise advice, But I could't resist.
I really like aspect of tool making. Cause I wish to make interesting mechanism and make it easily apply-able and manageable. I made visual node-link skill generation system, and overall data management tool to make new card and other game design element.

Custom Version of Skill Making Tool, Using Unity Editor Stuff.
Specially, I also like Systemic approaches and Wish to know how to apply card mechanism what I've seen. So I define it as Trigger, containable in Card Data. With Tool I made, I can easily apply mechanism i made if i wish to apply new one.

Overall Data-management tool, with Odin inspector
Still, I think this project is really young, Aspect of Developing progress, It is still in early alpha. Reworking AI, Adding Contents stuff, VFX/Modeling/Balancing/Sound.... You guys knew that making Game is Really Really Big task, But That does not meaning We should stop. I have to choose what I must do, I have to give up, I have to learn more, It is similar way we live in real life, So Project is personal, And Result of What I can do now.
Project is still in baby, I'm now old as Human life, But That meaning is Still There are Huge space to grow more. When this project become really stable good game, I'll really become adult as some ways.
I don't know It is right way to introduce In development project, Even it is not my mother Languages, But I knew at least I have to practice showing myself to everyone. It is really amateur I know, But I'll keep trying.
'-'/ Cheers.
I Have Twitch Channel, Streaming In game Development, Feel free to Join!