
Supermarket Sim Project

by GameDevDan

A close up of the custom assets created soo far. 


Wellcome to my Game Dev


Firstly my intentions are to create a fully working simulated supermarket , emulating the experience of other customers interacting with the environment as organically as possible.

Furthermore this project intentions are to give each AI customer a shopping list and allow them to navigate the store according, adding to realism and enabling it to be an simulated experience. The level and asstets are being created in the same workflow of games to enable choice on what direction this project goes ,this gives options on whether there is direct gameplay or if it gravitates to more on the simulation side.

I am primarily from a 3d modelling background and have spent many years in that area therefore my scripting/Programming skills are not up to scratch for this level of AI. !

Help with the scripting side would be welcomed , if this project is something that anyone would be interested in being involved in.   

Overiew of the basic layout .
Last updated February 10, 2020
Release Date
February 09, 2020