
Game Main Loop

Started by June 12, 2002 02:21 AM
1 comment, last by FlamELorD 22 years, 6 months ago
dudes.. can someone explain me this exactly? pls... i just cant understand it 100%.... thanks
Kaimera Project- A myth... traditional story about supernatural beings or imaginary people that narrates a common belief or explains some natural phenomenon.
Game Main Loop is usually a function that does the actual game stuff (render/drawing, AI, physics, etc)

like this:

//Window handling message goes here

or unless you meant something else?

in DOS this will look like this:

int main()
for( ; ; )

Hope this helps

EDIT: Removed that stupid winky face

You know your game is in trouble when your AI says, in a calm, soothing voice, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave"

[edited by - Zeraan on June 12, 2002 3:25:25 AM]
while(gameNotFinished){    doGameLogic();    render();} 

And add your own bells and/or whistles to that. Or be more specific with your question..


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