
Building Ngine with Visual Studio .NET

Started by June 10, 2002 01:59 PM
-1 comments, last by bboyBladeJ 22 years, 8 months ago
I downloaded the source of Ngine (version from 27.02.2002), built the gl_renderer and demo (d3d_renderer implementation is not complete) and when I try to run the demo, I always get exception at line: return (pr_pRenderInterface->bSetupScreen(a_szConfigINIFile, a_iFlags)); in bool CRENDERER::bSetupScreen(char* a_szConfigINIFile, int a_iFlags) (file engine/renderer/renderer.cpp) I''m using Visual Studio .NET and Windows XP Professional. Thanx for any advice.... I''m also wondering if there is any newer version out.

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