
Military Transport Vehicle For Futuristic Game

Started by June 08, 2002 11:37 PM
9 comments, last by ChemHaz 22 years, 8 months ago
I can''t think of a name for a transport ship used to send combat vehicles to a planetary surface. Any suggestions.
Charon. Or even better, if you can find the name of Charon''s boat.
Manufacturing metaphores in my melancholy mind.
The one''s that seem most generic to me are: Dropship, Lander.

What are the names of your other ships? Is there a common theme?

PDV? Planetside Deployment Vehicle?
Thats good butwas hoping for something more like a serial number like AT-9 or something
good I like that. do you mind if I use that?
Feel free.
Those are good names, I''d use both though, no army would use Charon, they''d think it was demoralizing. Have the army refer to it as the lander or by numbers and the grunts refer to it as charon. Just a thought.
Just an addendum: no real grunt is going to use a term as brainy as "Charon". More likely they''d call it the Hearse, the Flying Coffin, or something more esoteric like Typhoid Mary.
[font "arial"] Everything you can real.
That could be good too, I''ve always been of the mind that in the future people will generall get smarter (calculus in 3rd grade). But I suppose if it''s a war torn world they wouldn''t have time for much else.

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