
Game Demo : Comments

Started by June 08, 2002 04:05 PM
2 comments, last by pPp 22 years, 6 months ago
Hi! A few of us have been making this game for quite some time. Feel free to download the demo and give us some constructive feedbacks =) It''s basically an action RPG set in the future. We are going to include strategy elements into it when our AI engine is more complete. As of now, the player controls a tank that explores cities, sewers, forrest, etc, gaining experience as he destroy enemies. He upgrades his armor and weapon as he gain experience and faces tougher enemies, standard RPG stuff. In later levels, he has to capture key resource bases and build a party that follows him (startegy element). An opponent will be racing with him to capture these bases. We think this will make a good network game. well, thanks for your feedback! =)
Try to take this constructively.

*The graphics aren''t exactly brilliant
*The AI leaves...tons to be desired
*The gameplay is rough mostly because
*The ship movement controls really suck

*The intro movie is cool
*The dialog is okay

Overall, a pretty good effort, but quite rough as it is.


//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
miscellaneous links


It''s a really good start for a project! You could make something truly amazing with what you got.

It played a little slow on my P2 350mhz / TNT2 32 which I found surprising because it should be able to handle the game easily. (never found the settings.txt)
Thanks for your comments =)
sounds alot better than what I expect actually.
Yahs, it was a slipshod demo put together. we had some issues with the ships controls conflicting with obstacle collision and it really seems rigid at times. will work on it.
oops, forgot to add, it would run best with a card tt supports opengl. becoz my assembly suck big time, i can''t do much about it right now. sorry, speed adjustment is in

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