
Frustrum?... lol.

Started by June 07, 2002 02:18 PM
25 comments, last by Cobra 22 years, 8 months ago
It seems that everywhere I look people use the word Frustrum for the culling type involving clipping what''s outside of their view. I was wondering why this came about.... the word is Frustum.. defined thusly.. frus·tum Pronunciation Key (frstm) n. Mathematics pl. frus·tums or frus·ta (-t) The part of a solid, such as a cone or pyramid, between two parallel planes cutting the solid, especially the section between the base and a plane parallel to the base. frustum \Frus"tum\, n.; pl. L. Frusta, E. Frustums. [L. fruslum piece, bit.] 1. (Geom.) The part of a solid next the base, formed by cutting off the, top; or the part of any solid, as of a cone, pyramid, etc., between two planes, which may be either parallel or inclined to each other. frustum n : the part that is left when a cone or pyramid is cut by a plane parallel to the base and the apical part is removed That word seems to perfectly represent what we''re actually doing (drawing an expanding box along the view and removing everything outside of it). Im not complaining or anything like that.... I was just wondering WHY this trend came about.... and if anyone actually realised it was wrong. (maybe the word Frustrum is right? and was a made-up word for programmers?.... but it has no definition and isnt a real word so far as I can find). Thx for any info to clear this up :D
"Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will have warmth for the rest of his life"
Well, I believe that it simply sounds better
I hate signatures !!!
lol... I''d agree with that.. whenever I say it out loud I USED TO (meaning not anymore) find myself saying frustrum :/ lol.

Still.... is there any real reason behind it? Like glVertex3f isnt a word... but it was made for programming.. maybe Frustrum is an official coding word and should be slapped in the big book of words? (ya... one of those dictionary thingy''s)

"Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will have warmth for the rest of his life"
I blame the Yanks, most of them are useless at spelling. I''ve lost count of the amount of times I''ve seen ''loose'' instead of ''lose''!
You do realise that ''loose'' and ''lose'' are both valid words.

Maybe you were reading the sentence wrong?
I know, but I''ve seen it when it''s supposed to mean ''failed to win''.

just as an aside and b/c this thread is already as far off topic as is possible....

there have been interesting studies done correlating poor spelling with better reading comprehension and faster reading speeds in elementary school kids. the idea being that you don''t spell well b/c you focus more on the content/meaning of the sentance/paragraph as a whole and don''t care all that much about individual words. anyway they were really bad & poorly controlled experiments but none the less gives one pause for thought.

I''ve seen ''loose'' instead of ''lose''!

No no, "loosed" is the good one

It''s frustrum because it sounds more impressive! Frustum just sounds dull...

As for the studies Palidine has brought up, somehow I wonder how that applies to "YO MOOF WASSUP U SCK MAN!!!11!!"

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Um... the word frustum is not a "made-up" word. It is a term used in geometry. There is a formula for finding the volume of a frustum, etc. The reason it is used is because the viewport of a rectangular screen is the regular frustum of a rectangular pyramid.

EDIT: This is a page with the formula for the volume of a frustum.

Clear things up for you?

P.S. What do you mean, "I wonder if anyone has realized that this is wrong?"

[edited by - neosmyle on June 7, 2002 12:42:05 AM]
Neosmyle... he is referring to the incorrect spelling of frustum... ie frustr um

These sorts of mistakes frustrate the shit out of me (the loose/lose one especially), but I've grown accustomed to just "reading over it", and pulling the inferred meaning from the sentence... which is what it looks like Neosmyle has done without realising it

[edit] I also bash my head against the desk when I see people ask "how do I get OpenGL's lightning to work".... aaaarrrrgggghhh

[edited by - Bad Monkey on June 8, 2002 1:37:06 AM]

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