
Favorite gameplay feature of all time.

Started by May 30, 2002 11:27 PM
35 comments, last by XandGash 22 years, 8 months ago
Working and supported coop play

Favorite feature?


You can keep all of your fancy-smancy features. As long as I can blow things up, I''m a happy camper.
my favorite feature?
The grappling hook in ''Oval-Line''
You could grab walls, cielings, enemies.. ANYTHING
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me
My Kind of thread:

Wall Jump: Yes very fun, I have always theorized that little added "moves" even semingly small ones are fun, wall jump is one of them. It was great in any game u can think of, Castlevania, and let us not forget Ninja Gaiden. Even other things such as the triple jump from mario 64, if im not mistaken didn''t that have a 3d wall jump as well?

The MDK Parchute: This was another simple added fun thing, you could run jump then pop open your chute, it added some fun to the game I thought

Battlezone: Good game, all around had lots of fun elements, the sniper thing was one of the best. My other fav was it felt like when you were going to point A to point B it felt like you were actually traveling there. I dont know, the world seemed alive to going to point A to point B was really hazardous and I had to be extra careful.

Mario Kart & FZERO: USing the R and L buttons on the controller to hop and or dig your machine into the ground. In mario 64 they went so far as to let you use the hop combined with a turn for a power was a fun thing to master and came in handy while playing the game.

CoOp Coop Coop: God this feature is soo over looked. Yes its fun playing FPS against your friends, but sooner or later one of you in your circle will far surpase the others in terms of skill and no one really will like getting waxed from the same player (same goes in RTS). Where as coop negates the skills of each player, best exemplified in Diablo II, you could go together and make progress with the game play being uneffected by each persons skill really. Other games seriously need coop.

Aiming: Yes, in some gamesit can be a fun gameplay element, i.e. I thought (most will disagree) that in tresspaser it was fun, becasue i felt like I was holding the gun and trying to aim it...but of course we all know how the rest of the game was.. *shudder*.

Bullet Time: Hmm wasnt bad in max payne, I look forward to seeing it in other games.

I think for a new gameplay element they need is in fighthing oriented games that would be cool would be a special play on bullet time, where you can in real time "coreograph" your fight scene as you beat on the bad guys. Sorta like pulling off combo after combo, but where the action doesnt stop for a combo to complete, where you can with great ease segway (sp?) from one combo to another move or another combo or a jump back or something, obviously a great game to add this feature to would be the Croutching Tiger hidden Dragon game, but im sure they won''t do anything of the sort and screw up a poteniatlly engrossing and fun game six ways from sunday. Bah.

Oh well, that was a fun thread.

I liked the wall and ceiling crawling features
of castlevania 3 (NES) alot.. that was fun.
other features i dig:
• grappling hook from quake1 ctf.. let you get into some
really fun sniping spots.
• sneaking around in the theif games, with that goes the
tricking the guards using water/noise arrows, covering your
footsteps using moss arrows, ect.
• aquiring an enemys skill after you beat him (megaman
series, ect)
• minigames-miniquests! they break the monotony of most epic
RPGs'' pre-canned plots and makes you feel like more of a part
of the game''s world.

probably more but i cant think right now

;another space monkey;
[ Forced Evolution Studios ]


-eldee;another space monkey;[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
Favorite Passive Gameplay Element: Grading System. The first game that made me really fall in love with being graded is NiGHTS into Dreams... from Sega. I''ve lost count how many games have used grading before or since then. Too many to list here. A few adventure games, like Resident Evil and Silent Hill, also incorporate a grading system of sorts that evaluates your overall performance after completing the game. But, I much prefer being graded on a stage-by-stage or otherwise smaller scale.

Favorite Active: It''s either the "charge shot," or the "pumpable health." Just to clarify... Charge shots are simply holding down an attack button for a certain amount of time to build up for an attack that''s more powerful than usual. Pumpable health refers to being able to perform an impressive attack at the cost of your health bar (most often seen in old school beat-em-ups).
I have to agree that the ceiling climbing in Aliens versus Predator beats the most of the FPS games I''ve played. I like Half-Life too, espacially the modification Fire-Arms.

When it comes to the strategy side I like a few (mostly old) games. One for example is Civil War General II. In this hex-based game you can play the entire American civil war in a very dynamic campaign. I began playing on easy level as the confederates and quickly grew so skilled I bought the most expensive weapons for my men after winning every battle. The union just got less and less advanced weaponry. Guess what the outcome of the civil war was this time...

2 more modern strategy games I play are Close Combat 3 and Sudden Strike.

The games I''ve played the most are games that have been easily extendable. Half-Life was extremly extendable, I''ve programmed my own monsters for it and I''ve made maps too. In Civil War Generals I have made my own maps although I couldn''t edit the game data. Make a game easily extendable and I''ll buy it . I''ve made my own mod for CC3 and own maps and missions for SS.
The zooming you''re able to do in Starwars Starfighter and Jedi Starfighter.

Dodging, I always have fun dodging enemy fire.

G. Darius on the psx had this cool thing where you could charge up a beam. If the enemy fired their beam and you then fired yours and held down a button your beam would engulf their beam and it would become 4x as large and powerful and engulf the screen.

Einhander: picking up enemy weapon pods, sure, probably been done, but the weapon combinations were genius, and stealing enemy weapons wasn''t a minor point, it made up most of your firepower.
for me the super shoot holding down the fire button like in r-type.
So many good ones. Co-op modes, any form of customization, and everything else listed. But, I have to say that my favorite has to be context sensitive controls. No longer do I have to have a seperate command for opening doors, talking to people, opening chests, looking for secrets or entering areas. Now that can all be accomplished with one push of the action button.

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