
matrix effect : reloaded

Started by May 29, 2002 04:51 AM
4 comments, last by sirius_black 22 years, 9 months ago
guys, I have updated my matrix effect according to your suggestions... Please give me some feedback. (its a 350Kb zip) click to download I dont have to worry about any capping problems anymore. I''m using glCopyTexSubImage and its a bit slow...on my TNT. Tell me how it runs on yours. R randomly selects the starting point. Arrow keys to rotate , Q and Z to zoom in/out. P to pause,S to toggle slow mode.
It looks really good, ran absolutely fine:

p3 1ghz
Asus GF2 MX 32
384 Ram

Two slight problems, I would suggest making the tranition go quicker, and the Randomly selected start point doesn''t seem to random at all.

But yeah, looks good.
Brendan ''Locke'' Hennessy"I heard life sucks, so that''s why I don''t have one"
even ran fine on a K6-400, 64MB, ATI 3d Rage Pro 4MB.
(anybody willing to donate a new graphics card???*g*)
Locke, yeah I know it doesnt seem random... but i am using rand().
dont know why its not working...
speed it up even more......????
Don''t forget to seed random with the timer.

Make it work.
Make it fast.

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I just checked it,random point actually seems to be working.

[edited by - sirius_black on May 29, 2002 3:10:54 PM]

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