

Started by May 28, 2002 06:08 PM
6 comments, last by Thorbar 22 years, 9 months ago
I''m just curious what compiler you would suggest for using for coding in c++ and openGL. I''m starting the nehe tutorials for openGL and he keeps going on about using Visual C++. I don''t have access to this nor do I really want to use it. In college we''re coding in linux and using g++. And when I''m working in windows I just use the free compiler you can get at Well my question is can I go threw the nehe openGL tutorials using any compiler without making any changes to the code or if I do have to do thinks differently, what are they?
I believe you can use the source files straight from the tutorials'' zip files. You''ll need to add "-lopengl32" to the Object Files list under the Project settings. You may also need "-lglu32" if you''re using the GLU. AFAIK, that''s all you need. DirectX is a whole other story...


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Jeff''s code is obviously Win32 only, but I don''t know if he does anything ''MSVC only''. He does use GLaux, which you should NOT do. If you want to code in Linux, the easiest way is to use SDL to setup the OpenGL stuff that Jeff does with the Win32 API. From there you can do everything else the same way. See this page for some examples of doing OpenGL through SDL.

BTW: Dev C++ uses GCC/G++, so you infact use the same compiler at home as at your college.

Alright lads thanks. Was just asking because there was different examples of code for borland and so on at the bottom of the page.
Original post by Thorbar
Was just asking because there was different examples of code for borland and so on at the bottom of the page.

Oh, he put them back up! Good . He had those removed from the site for a long time. You''ll probably want to pick the one closest to what you''re using if you want to directly compile his code.

Any of those compilers free and win based?
Cygwin. I think it''s already included in the Dev-C++ package.


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Some of NeHe's code is only for win but that dosnt mean it cannt be ported to linux. If you just read threw this stuff you can port most of it without having to think to hard. I use glut in g++ on linux. I suggest you use g++ if you have everything set up right and your using glut the command in konsole is
  g++ program.cpp -B /usr/X11R6/lib -o program -lX11 -lXi -lXmu -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lm   

I like g++ alot more then MSVC++, infact I hate it I really only use linux now. Linux is a much better OS then win I STRONGLY suggest you use it. If your looking for a gui like MSVC++ use kdevelop found at and for a distro use mandrake found at or redhat found at Remeber everything for linux(at least that ive seen) is free.

[edited by - nukem on May 28, 2002 12:33:50 AM]

[edited by - nukem on May 28, 2002 12:34:10 AM]
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind

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