unresolved external symbol
I''m building some libraries that will aid me in making a game.
I''ve got this problem when i''m trying to compile I have these two externals errors:
unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall cApplication::~cApplication(void)" (??1cApplication@@QAE@XZ)
unresolved external symbol _main
What''s wrong?
Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. John F. Kennedy
- You didn''t write the code for ~cApplication, even though you declared it.
- You didn''t write the code for main, which means that the compiler doesn''t think you are building a library.
"unresolved external" = missing function.
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- You didn''t write the code for main, which means that the compiler doesn''t think you are building a library.
"unresolved external" = missing function.
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