
Virtual Independent Games Conference!

Started by March 12, 2000 12:25 PM
5 comments, last by GDog746 24 years, 11 months ago
Hey guys. I am going to run the first annual Virtual Independent Games Conference. For those of you that don''t know this conference will be set up completely online for independent developers to learn more and share information about game development. It will be free to attend. I will keep this forum posted on information about the conference, but right now I need some volunteers to help run this. I need someone who has been to one (or more) Game Developers Conferences, and can help me set this up to run in a similar fashion. I want this to run like the real thing but everything converted into its virtual counterpart. Also, I could use some help with the programming for the conference. I need a few people with some java-script and/or CGI programming experience to write the code for the chats etc. When I get the site up with sign up forms I will let you guys know, and I will have more information about setting up "virtual booths" for developers soon. As for the question "When is it?" I am considering mid-August, but if you have any ideas of when would be better let me know. As always, any feedback is welcomed. For more info e-mail me or post here. -Bryan
Sounds awesome!!! When do you think you''ll have the site up?

I''d love to help with something, but I''ve never been to a game development conference, so I guess I''ll just wait and see what''ll be on the site.

Commander M
What about the free t-shirts? *whine*

"When people tell you to tell the truth, you know that their lying."
This sound Great!!! But I know nothing of GDC and little Net programming skills. I would like to have a "booth" maybe.

Keep up the good idea
Thanks for the positive feedback. I don''t know when we will have the site up exactly, but i think it ssafe to say before the end of the month. The booths will be for developers and developer teams who want to showcase theire current project. I''ll post more information ASAP.

Sounds great. I have web programming experiance.
And I would be very happy if I could help out.

contact me at

How bout if we could make this a more permernent thing.

- David
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
Man thats a great idea. Contact me at or ICQ # 17420367. My umm virtual company would maybe like to have a virtual booth to show off our premature 3D game engine . We (VGDC) need to have some programmers make a DLL or something so we can capture game screens into RM or some other STREAMING (like maybe ASF??) video form so we all can watch real game action and not have to download lots of MB of stuff...
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||

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