Does anyone use Allegro?
i''m a newB here, and i was wondering how many people here use Allegro, with djgpp, or am i wasting my time in learning it???
i used it briefly. to be more precise, i used djgpp extensively when i was learning C, and then used it with Allegro briefly when i started programming games.. before going on the adventure that is Win/DX programming.. i made two simple games.. i''ll be careful describing them, to avoid being sued by hasbro.. the first was a game with falling blocks (each composed of four squares, tetra-blocks if you will).. the other consisted of a bouncing ball, a paddle, and blocks which were destroyed when the ball hit them.. hopefully hasbro won''t open a case against me..
but seriously, DJGPP and Allegro are great tools for learning, for the most part though games often aren''t taken seriously if they''re DOS.. i believe Allegro has WinAllegro, though i couldn''t tell you the status of that. and wasn''t Quake written using DJGPP?
pretty much, whether or not it''s a waste of your time is up to you.. if you want to get a job in the industry, you''ll almost certainly need to learn MSVC++.. but if DJGPP and Allegro suit your needs, then by all means use them..
but seriously, DJGPP and Allegro are great tools for learning, for the most part though games often aren''t taken seriously if they''re DOS.. i believe Allegro has WinAllegro, though i couldn''t tell you the status of that. and wasn''t Quake written using DJGPP?
pretty much, whether or not it''s a waste of your time is up to you.. if you want to get a job in the industry, you''ll almost certainly need to learn MSVC++.. but if DJGPP and Allegro suit your needs, then by all means use them..
Some people would advise you not to use Allegro, but I won't. It is very easy to learn and is not a waste of time.
If you want to program games but don't want to bother with all of the low-level details right now (i.e. sound, graphics, input), or if you want to be able to write multi-platform games easily, then Allegro is perfect. And yes it is multi-platform now: DOS, Windows, Unix/Linux, BeOS. So if you want to use MSVC++ in Windows, no prob. You're no longer resricted to DJGPP.
I believe if you've never programmed a game before Allegro is a great place to start.
Edited by - Aldacron on 3/11/00 10:08:15 PM
If you want to program games but don't want to bother with all of the low-level details right now (i.e. sound, graphics, input), or if you want to be able to write multi-platform games easily, then Allegro is perfect. And yes it is multi-platform now: DOS, Windows, Unix/Linux, BeOS. So if you want to use MSVC++ in Windows, no prob. You're no longer resricted to DJGPP.
I believe if you've never programmed a game before Allegro is a great place to start.
Edited by - Aldacron on 3/11/00 10:08:15 PM
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Hi EQual,
I spent a good deal of time (maybe too much) working with allegro. It''s a very good library, but from what I understand, you have to know DirectX/OpenGL, etc. in windows to be considered seriously. However, Allegro is great for starting out game programming, and I encourage you to try it out, but once you at least have a basic hold on what goes into the making of even a simple game, you should move to windows. Just my 2 cents.
Good luck!
I spent a good deal of time (maybe too much) working with allegro. It''s a very good library, but from what I understand, you have to know DirectX/OpenGL, etc. in windows to be considered seriously. However, Allegro is great for starting out game programming, and I encourage you to try it out, but once you at least have a basic hold on what goes into the making of even a simple game, you should move to windows. Just my 2 cents.
Good luck!
______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
Thanks alot''ve been a great help...
i started programming in allegro about a month ago, and djgpp about a month and a half ago, and i guess its ok, but i find it a bit hard to learn all this at once. i guess the main reason that i chose it was because it was free
and i have about 5 bucks to spend between now and next month, so i couldt really buy anything. what programs / how mush do they cost to make games using windows / DX ??? i may purchase something later on...
and finally, winallegro? never hear of it, but it looks kinda interesting... i''ll have to look into it.
anyways, thats about all i have to say at the moment, thanks again, see ya around...
i started programming in allegro about a month ago, and djgpp about a month and a half ago, and i guess its ok, but i find it a bit hard to learn all this at once. i guess the main reason that i chose it was because it was free

and finally, winallegro? never hear of it, but it looks kinda interesting... i''ll have to look into it.
anyways, thats about all i have to say at the moment, thanks again, see ya around...
Allegro? Ha! I tried it a while back (when I was first learning how to program games) and I hated it. I found it kinda hard to understand. I think the main problem is that it''s more written in C than C++, which I know. If you want a library, let me suggest ClanLib. CL is not only multiplatform (Win32, Linux, BeOS), but it''s also more C++ than Allegro, and, I think, much easier to use. The only downside is that if you want to use it with Win32, you pretty much have to have VC++ (although you could do a little manipulating with the code and use it on, say, Borland).
Commander M
Commander M
Don''t use WinAllegro. It is no longer supported or updated. If you want multi-platform the Allegro WIP (work-in-progress) version is very multi-platform. Current WIP is 3.9.3. You don''t need to know any windows programming at all to use it in Windows. Plus, it will work with MingWin32, RSXTNDJ, VC++, and soon, Borland.
The C/C++ thing is a matter of preference. And while Allegro is written in C, your games can be written in C++.
Keep in mind there''s a learning curve associated with using any lib. I found Allegro to be extremely easy to learn. Just study the example source if you get confused. And you can also download Vivace, by George Foot. It''s a tutorial you can find a link to from the Allegro homepage.
The C/C++ thing is a matter of preference. And while Allegro is written in C, your games can be written in C++.
Keep in mind there''s a learning curve associated with using any lib. I found Allegro to be extremely easy to learn. Just study the example source if you get confused. And you can also download Vivace, by George Foot. It''s a tutorial you can find a link to from the Allegro homepage.
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