Blending & Depth Testing
I''m working on an elaborate particle system for a game engine and I''ve run into a dead end. Basically, the particle engine works fine until I start adding other objects into the environment. I need to enable blending inorder to render the particles, and as a result, I must disable depth testing. I enable depth testing for while rendering the other objects, but I still get strange depth effects. I''ve done a little research on BSP tree''s, but I''m not sure if they would apply in this situation. I''ve also tryed experimenting with different masking techniques, none of which solve my problem.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
Render blended things last. Keep depth testing on.
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
Wow, that''d be really nice. I''ll let you know when I get home from work. Thanks!
Original post by LockePick
Render blended things last. Keep depth testing on.
I think you''re *almost* right. You must keep depth testing but disable depth writing, overwise particles won''t merge together.
That''s true, my bad.
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
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