
Text RPG Actions (updated)

Started by May 21, 2002 03:44 PM
6 comments, last by Ragadast 22 years, 7 months ago
Ok. I'm done with the reading the room info part of the game. Now I need to understand how to read the user input word by word, so I can make the player go north, look, put something inside a bag, examine something, etc. Again, thanks to all who helped me before. [edited by - Ragadast on May 21, 2002 9:52:08 PM]
From your previous post, it sounds like this is running as a console app?

If so, then the easiest way of actually getting the data in is to use cin - it''s a bit klunky, but is not too hard to use. Something like this:

char cData[255];
cout << "Enter your command: ";
cin >> cData;

(play about with it a bit if you want to allocate dynamic char* data using new and delete)

Your more pressing concern is what to do with the data once it''s input. You need to consider building a simple parser next - chop the input up into words (scan for spaces), and match the words up. Traditional text games have always followed verb-noun type input (go north, wield sword etc.) - start simple like that and build it up. Write down a list of verbs you think you need to support and go from there (a big switch statement could match up your verbs - again, it''s not an advanced parser if you do it this way, but it''ll get you up and running).
How do you check for a blank space in a char[]?
quote: Original post by Ragadast
How do you check for a blank space in a char[]?

The same you way you'd check for any other character:

if(mychar == ' '){	//...}  

[edited by - SilentCoder on May 21, 2002 6:07:17 PM]
That is really simple.. A space has ascii value 32.. just cycle trough your string in a loop and check for 32.. or use strstr() library function..

char string[255] // string containing words

int index;
for( index = 0; index < strlen(string); index++)
if( string[index] == 32 )
// found space, do something here (copy word)

nice is:
int index = 0;
while( string[index] != 0 )
if( string[index] == 32 )
// found space, do something here (copy word)

this works because a c_string (array of chars) is terminated by a zero :-)
quote: Original post by Ragadast
How do you check for a blank space in a char[]?

Which language are you using?

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I''m using BC++. I got an odd problem on loading info from text files. I do this:

text file:
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah

The first 2 lines correspond to the name and the description of the room. The 4 next lines corresponde to the exits, and the rest correspond to the items on the room. I do this to load it:

ifstream infile("1.rom");
infile.getline(name, 50); //Name of the room
infile.getline(desc, 255); //Description of the room
infile >> room.exits[0]; //Room link to north exit
infile >> room.exits[1]; //Room link to south exit
infile >> room.exits[2]; //Room link to east exit
infile >> room.exits[3]; //Room link to west exit
infile >> room.objects[0]; //First object
infile >> room.objects[1]; //etc...
infile >> room.objects[2];
infile >> room.objects[3];
infile >> room.objects[4];

Well, when i print out the info i got from loading my text file It confuses 2 variables: room.exits[3] and room.objects[0]. room.exits[3] gets the value of room.objects[0], making mistakes on my game. I dont get what happened Besides, It''s not recognizing '' '' as a blank char or 32 as a blank char too.
Let me point you to the rudimentary interpreter I had posted at some point : there

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