
Looking for ideias.., Multiplayer option

Started by May 18, 2002 08:36 AM
-1 comments, last by Bruno 22 years, 9 months ago
Ok.., i''m looking for some inspiration, maybe i''l get lucky Supose you have a huge landscape filled with a dense vegetation., If you wanna play against another human oponent, how would you find it ? In ghost recon, the way the guys made the game, there is a little sensor that is activaded if there is an enemy in the vicinity, but this will remove the surprise factor.., wich is a shame. The sensor ideia is the only one i think it''s a good one, but as i wrote before, the surprise factor will be eliminated. hearing enemy footsteps would be nice, but with the forest sounds, no one would hear the enemy moving.. I already implemented last-man-standing type of game., i will surely also implement capture the flag.. Any other diferent types of games to play in multiplayer ? Thanks, Bruno

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