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33 comments, last by DarthSpanky 24 years, 3 months ago
last night we had a talent show up at my school. about three-hundred people attended. some friends and i played a couple songs, there were some skits, and some really funny lip-sync stuff. then at the end some seniors came up and performed a rap they had written themselves. now, i''m not a rap fan, and neither are a lot of my friends, but their song was so frickin good! it was amazing. they had spent so much time working on it and their performance of it was great. they never missed a beat. the lyrics weren''t that bad either. by the end of the song, practically the entire school was down at the front of the stage dancing our little asses off. even me and my friends, who arent'' fond of rap. so i think i''ll have to agree that rap is music, and does take talent.

Gecko Design

_________________Gecko___Gecko Design
I''m the same anonymous poster as before. I wasn''t in any way comparing rap to choir music as you''ve so wrongly interpreted. I was speaking about lyrics in response to something paulcoz said. If you''d have even taken the time to look at the post I explicitly said I was referring to...
You need to learn to take things in the correct context. And I don''t feel that being a good musician will make one a good programmer because they require different disciplines. Just because you don''t agree with someone doesn''t mean you have to act like a complete know-it-all jerk. I''m sorry if my suggestion to you offended your sensibilities or anything. They weren''t mean-spirited or malicious unlike your replies. At least one of us is mature (and so you don''t misunderstand, I''m referring to myself).

You know I don''t care what you think. I don''t care what you listen to, or anything. I have tons of classical music, and I enjoy it for its own thing. Actually, when classical music was original written, the musicians had a lot more freedom than they do today. But over time after hearing the same songs played the same way, it has ''solidified'' into what people are performing today.

Jazz will probably follow the same path eventually, hundreds of years from now people might play "So What" exactly how Miles originally recorded it, who knows?

To explain, there is nothing wrong with theory, and there is nothing good about it either. It''s a tool for understanding, but it is unnecessary for music. Music exists without theory, the theory can''t exist without music.

DarthSpanky, you started this whole thing with your original post, by saying ''serious musicians'', and listing your opinions about it. Which is fine, have your opinions, follow the lord, do your thing, and attempt to insult people while making yourself look like an idiot.

I''ve learned classical songs, I have sheet music and know how to read, I also know how to listen, and hear things beyond what I''m conditioned to listen to. I can hear eastern music and like it, I can listen to a person playing only the drums and like it, I can also listen to a rock band and like it.

Anyone who even attempts to argue that a style of music, art, programming, etc... doesn''t take skill is always close minded. A smart, open minded person will say, I don''t understand this, and to me it isn''t appealing. But that doesn''t reflect a limitation of what I don''t understand, it''s a limitation of myself.

Which is exactly how I feel about such things as techno, metal, ambient, etc... I don''t understand, but I won''t say they aren''t creative, I just can''t relate.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
In reply to Anonymous poster,

Of course choir is music. I meant that I am moved by what the vocals sound like (how they are sung) not what they are singing which is in most cases pathetic. In the case of a choir a huge wall of sound (perhaps the fact that some of this music is sung in a non-English dialect is what makes it better, because you can't understand what they are saying they can't spoil the mood that way). One of my favourite pieces of music is (and note that I hate Batman): 'Batman Returns' by Danny Elfman. That has a lot of choral parts and is truly great. What a genius!

I don't think there is anything wrong with just being a 'performer' - someone who just plays music. Their performance will surely be ruined if they are playing poor music (sort of like a bad script ruining a good movie). Can we agree that someone who can perform and compose great music is more talented than someone who can only do one of these things?

Also, someone made a comment about Eastern music I think, or that noone had mentioned any 'non-Western' music. I'm not going to pan it like I did dance/rap before (I have learnt my lesson) but is it true or not that both the Beatles and Led Zeppelin went through an 'eastern' period during which they were taking large amounts of drugs. I noticed an ongoing argument about drugs and I am just trying to feed the flames . Feel free to hit me for bringing this up.


Edited by - paulcoz on 3/15/00 9:34:00 PM

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