
Please Help?

Started by May 16, 2002 07:09 PM
18 comments, last by Vegadam 22 years, 9 months ago
Well consider it like this.

You have 4 objects (classes perhaps):

Each has a location and a velocity (with the exception of Arena) height, width, and bounds you need to check the other objects against.

The only thing you need to worry about is how they interact. If the implementation of even these basic structures confuses you, then that may be a sign your not quite as proficient at your language of choice then you may think.

Or is your problem more graphics oriented? In that case your gonna wanna direct your attention to either the OpenGL, DirectX, SDL, or Alegro API''s.

And for the love of all that is good, don''t try to learn from a MUD =P Most are a giant mess.

[My site|SGI STL|Bjarne FAQ|C++ FAQ Lite|MSDN|Jargon]
Ripped off from various people
Original post by Vegadam
This is where questions arise, what is check bars, and how do I check for collisions. Its so annoying, I know how to code, but not how to apply what I know.

The Bars, the ball etc are whatever you can imagine. Collision varies from what you imagine. Considering the bar to be a small rectangle you can check using x and y coordinates - sort of brute force probably - well finally it all comes down to imagination. Why don''t you start learning a graphics API - How elements of a game should look on screen etc completely fall down to imagination - no one can help you much there. For eg:- my ball can be a sphere or a very small rectangle or if you want the ball to be represented by some guy which you players are gonna go whacking so be it. There are no restrictions there.

Unless you start you will probably never find out how to check for collision etc.

Hello from my world
Don''t forget to check out the "Hands-On Interactive Game Development"
Hey, I would reccomend this book: Tricks of the windows game programming gurus. I''m reading it at the moment and I''ve just started on the DirectX chapters - it''s great. Unlike the book that taught me C++ this book appears to be written by a human, not a robot. In other words, it''s actually fun to read! It shows a litte bit about collision detection in the first chapter, although it doesn''t explain it - it shouldn''t be too hard to work out. If you can''t get the book for whatever reason, there''s quite a few good article "series" amongst gamedev, I''m thinking that I will read Game programming genesis (scroll down that page to find it) after TOTWGPG.

[Gaming: PC-Gaming | 3DAP]
[100% newb?: Start here then buy a book or go here]
[Link of the moment: No luck Mikey]
[Problem?: MSDN ]
If you are interested in having a teacher check out Game Institute. They have a math course designed for game programmers. They have many others as well.

hope that helps!

[edited by - Klear on May 20, 2002 7:56:51 PM]
Also remember that there is some programming to do away from the keyboard as well. Sit down with a large piece of paper and chart out the questions you have.
For something as specific as collision detection, write it down on a piece of paper and step through possible solutions keeping track of variables.

I learned hands on DirectX stuff by loading and compiling an example(DirectDraw3). I printed out the main cpp files and stepped through each step.

Developing a iso-tile 2D RPG with skills, weapons, and adventure. See my old Hex-Tile RPG GAME, character editor, diary, 3D Art resources at Check out my web-site
When I first started learning about game programming reading
"Tricks of the windows game programming gurus" was a true blessing .

[edited by - masterg on May 22, 2002 11:20:05 AM]


Well in that case I recommend that you make a pong game.

Knowing C++ doesn''t mean dud around here, game programmers are, by far, probably the worst programmers that ever existed. The only thing that makes a game programmer is the capacity to make art out of a few equations a few lines of code.
I don''t know how to make a complete game for real right now(when I mean "for real", I mean without using a game dev tool like DIVstudio for example), but Tricks of the Windows...Gurus is definetly THE place to start in... What I''ve been learning up until chapter 3, I would have NEVER known from any C++ course (of course I live in a third world country [Panama], so over here the level of college education [in programming] isn''t very high).

I used to complain just like you''ve written, and the only solution to your problem is to sit down and do what you''ve got to do!! NOBODY is gonna motivate you, but yourself!! Right now, with all the resources available for gameprogramming, I''d say there is no excuse(that''s what I said to myself) for not being able to do a game or at least get started on one.

If learning DirectX or something is too much of a hassle, then I''d recommend something like DIV games studio, cause it''s preety easy to get something up and running, since you don''t have to do all the video stuff and plotting. And on top off that, the language is based on a C/C++/Pascal hybrid, so there you have it...

Understanding the requirements and problems needing to be solved is the primary component of game development. Then, figuring out the best way to accomplish the solution is necessary before you write even one line of code.

Wanting to learn to program your first computer game?

See the thread "Need help getting started on your first game?!?" in the "For Beginners" section of the Forum.

A good understanding of C++ and vectors is assumed. Beyond that, walk with us as we go through the Analysis and Design and then move on to the implementation of many old but good games.

The first game, GDPong, has had tutorial 1 of 2 released. Tutorial 2, covering the implementation of GDPong will be released early next week.

The tutorial covers many of the questions you''ve already asked.

For more information see the thread above or go to the website below and check out the tutorial.

Best Regards,
Jeromy "Maverick" Walsh
"The question isn''t how far, the question is do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as is needed?" -Boondock Saints
Jeromy Walsh
Sr. Tools & Engine Programmer | Software Engineer
Microsoft Windows Phone Team
Chronicles of Elyria (An In-development MMORPG) - Blog & Tutorials
GDNet Mentoring: XNA Workshop | C# Workshop | C++ Workshop
"The question is not how far, the question is do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as is needed?" - Il Duche, Boondock Saints

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