
How do YOU start your opengl project?

Started by May 15, 2002 09:09 AM
18 comments, last by Xces 22 years, 9 months ago
I was wondering how everybody starts there opengl project. - some use a win32 console (blank project) - some use a win32 windows application as there starting point Please tell me also why you have chosen for this type of programming.
I start my opengl projects with a win32 console app.
I''m doing this for four reasons : first, I like to know exactly what my code is doing. Second I don''t want my code to do unneeded things which is the case with a win32 windows app. Third Nehe tuts takes your hand through the base of your opengl apps in the first tuts via a win32 console app and I began learning opengl with his tuts. Fourth it gives my code a coherent writing style and makes it more easily readable for me.
Hope my answer is clear and helps you.

"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring
"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring
win32 console app OMG!
IDispatch, explain yourself please...
I start using a win32 application. (not console).
"Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will have warmth for the rest of his life"
In windows I use a windows app full screen usually like the nehe tutorials shows. In linux I use a console app..and glut.
I start with a win32 app. The first thing I write(copy) is a log function so I can see the errors in a seperated text file..
I use a Win32 App, although I made a class wrapper that creates a full screen window and init''s OGL, so I just copy that into new projects.

Death of one is a tragedy, death of a million is just a statistic.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
Scheermesje, why don''t you make an errorlog-library that you just include with your project? That way you don''t have to copy code all the time.

IDispatch don''t forget that Xces'' definition of a win32 console app = a blank project
I''ve written some base code that''s common to all my projects and add this in each of my project instead of rewriting all the code. In fact, each time I learn something new in a language, I try to add it to one of my libs or I create a new lib for it if I consider it doesn''t fit into any of the previous. This way I gain a lot of time by using my code again and again and again ...

"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring
"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring

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