A Dream... A Vision... *help!*
I have this vision, a dream. But I need help. I''m so new it''s not funny... opening up the ole C++ tutorials made me realize this. But anyway, I would literally love to have all I need handed to me on a silver platter, or maybe just a list of things you guys think I need, I can easily find it... just gotta know what I''m looking for! I''ll tell you my plan for my game.
Think of Final Fantasy 6, Dragon Quest 6, Secret of Mana, more the other two, but I''m looking at making a tile based game like those I mentioned, I just have no clue how to start and YES I have read the tutorials and YES I still have no clue what I''m doing... maybe I should put down the coffee and get some sleep, or run out and buy a new programming book. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you all!
Tim Edwardshttp://Stories.Com/authors/archangliahttp://
word of warning: what you''re attempting to do will NOT be
a cakewalk. but it''s definately possible.
i''ve been working on a similar style rpg off and on for
about a year. my advice to you would be to start with something
smaller... but if you decide to go on with your idea, just
be prepared for rough roads.
here''s what i''m using for my game:
if you dont know at least one of the above fairly well, i''d
suggest trying to make a pong clone or something simple to
get you some experience and boost your confidence when
times get tough. good luck
;another space monkey;
[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
a cakewalk. but it''s definately possible.
i''ve been working on a similar style rpg off and on for
about a year. my advice to you would be to start with something
smaller... but if you decide to go on with your idea, just
be prepared for rough roads.
here''s what i''m using for my game:
if you dont know at least one of the above fairly well, i''d
suggest trying to make a pong clone or something simple to
get you some experience and boost your confidence when
times get tough. good luck
;another space monkey;
[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
-eldee;another space monkey;[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
Welllllll... where would I find that pong tutorial??? Oh yeah, has ANYONE found a GOOD free midi composer (I wanna compose my own stuff!) Thanks for the help!
Tim Edwardshttp://Stories.Com/authors/archangliahttp://
I would hope that there are no Pong tutorials on the net!
Why? Because pong is such a simple, simple game that if you need a tutorial to develop the mechanics of pong clone (assuming you know a programming language and a graphics API) you are not cut out for the high level of problem solving involved in game development. I, as well as many, many other programers started with Pong or some other simple game such as Breakout or Tetris.
You should start by "STFW" (Searching The Frickin'' Web) for tutorials on programming and graphics. Start by purchasing a C++ book and reading it. Instead of having stuff handed to you on a silver platter, try to extend the books samples. You can walk though their tutorials, but make it a point to improve every one in some way. This will give you the minimal experiance neccissarry to program Pong and from there you can work on bigger projects.
Games take lots of experaince, time and people to make. For someone who doesn''t have the slightest clue you better get down to business and start studing.
Now before you ask anymore questions read this:
It will help you, I promise.
Why? Because pong is such a simple, simple game that if you need a tutorial to develop the mechanics of pong clone (assuming you know a programming language and a graphics API) you are not cut out for the high level of problem solving involved in game development. I, as well as many, many other programers started with Pong or some other simple game such as Breakout or Tetris.
You should start by "STFW" (Searching The Frickin'' Web) for tutorials on programming and graphics. Start by purchasing a C++ book and reading it. Instead of having stuff handed to you on a silver platter, try to extend the books samples. You can walk though their tutorials, but make it a point to improve every one in some way. This will give you the minimal experiance neccissarry to program Pong and from there you can work on bigger projects.
Games take lots of experaince, time and people to make. For someone who doesn''t have the slightest clue you better get down to business and start studing.
Now before you ask anymore questions read this:
It will help you, I promise.
Brandon Bloomhttp://brandonbloom.name
It would be helpful to know more about your current experience level. How well do you know C++? If you don't know it that well, even Pong would be a bit too complicated. Learn how to get through the basics first.
And if C++ seems too difficult for you, there are many other simpler languages out there that you could start with instead.
[edited by - SilentCoder on May 14, 2002 9:46:32 PM]
And if C++ seems too difficult for you, there are many other simpler languages out there that you could start with instead.
[edited by - SilentCoder on May 14, 2002 9:46:32 PM]
Ok, number one, I have the very basics of C++ down. I know some other languages, but not as complicated as C++. I know java-script, HTML, some java... and I know a few others, but it''s mostly beginner knowledge. As for reading that article and searching the web, I have... well not for a "Pong" tutorial... but for the other thing. I never even thought about pong. I made a program before like Nibbles (if anyone remembers that) where you move the line, collecting the apples and you try and keep the line from touching itself? Well anyway I''m going to get on that right now... if there''s any help you''re willing to offer, I thank you very much! As for that article... I''ve already read it... and that''s why i was asking this... I have an entire CD with tutorials on it... it''s just hard to find a good n00b tutorial. Thanx.
Tim Edwardshttp://Stories.Com/authors/archangliahttp://
http://www.GameTutorials.com has some good tutorials.. dunno on any pong tutorials thou
True hackers are intelligent, they have to be. Either they do really great in school because they have nothing better to do, or they don't do so well because school is terribly boring. And the ones who are bored aren't that way because they don't give a shit about learning anything. A true hacker wants to know everything. They're bored because schools teach the same dull things over and over and over, nothing new, nothing challenging.
1.) you know C++,...good.If you dont know enough of it, continue to learn more.Dont ask me how much enough is.If you feel comfortable with C/C++, then its time to learn a graphics API.
2.) Graphics API,...you use these to do the graphics in your game.
1.)SDL,..... www.libsdl.org
2.)Directx,.... http://nexe.gamedev.net
3.)OpenGL,.... http://nehe.gamedev.net
What do i recommend? SDL first and then openGL.Then you can go on to learn directx if you really want to.Why SDL first?
Cuz its easier IMHO.*
3.)you know C++, and you know a gfx API.Whats next?
Start coding the games.Absolutely do NOT start with coding the RPG game.Do these instead:
pong, breakout, tetris, spy hunter, pacman, galaga,
you get the idea( easy classics)
THEN you can start coding your dream.
A word to SnprBoB86:
Your hopes are not coming to pass.A new tutorial series starts May 19 teaching newbies how to code their "first games".First up is pong.(i have nothing to do with it.Dont ask me).
*In My Honest Opinion
EDIT: sorry i just remembered something else.If you want to code
for windows (or if you want to learn directx) then you will have to learn at least a bit of the windows API first.In this case this will be in between steps 1 and 2.
Best place i know for this?
[edited by - access on May 15, 2002 5:47:52 PM]
2.) Graphics API,...you use these to do the graphics in your game.
1.)SDL,..... www.libsdl.org
2.)Directx,.... http://nexe.gamedev.net
3.)OpenGL,.... http://nehe.gamedev.net
What do i recommend? SDL first and then openGL.Then you can go on to learn directx if you really want to.Why SDL first?
Cuz its easier IMHO.*
3.)you know C++, and you know a gfx API.Whats next?
Start coding the games.Absolutely do NOT start with coding the RPG game.Do these instead:
pong, breakout, tetris, spy hunter, pacman, galaga,
you get the idea( easy classics)
THEN you can start coding your dream.
A word to SnprBoB86:
Your hopes are not coming to pass.A new tutorial series starts May 19 teaching newbies how to code their "first games".First up is pong.(i have nothing to do with it.Dont ask me).

*In My Honest Opinion
EDIT: sorry i just remembered something else.If you want to code
for windows (or if you want to learn directx) then you will have to learn at least a bit of the windows API first.In this case this will be in between steps 1 and 2.
Best place i know for this?
[edited by - access on May 15, 2002 5:47:52 PM]
______________________________Yes I think the rev pad sucks/so does 50 and the DS. I like action and am not ashamed. I prefer brunettes but hate chocolate. Yes,I have opinions!!! Rate as you will.
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