
Has anyone taking online courses at

Started by May 13, 2002 06:59 PM
3 comments, last by Bangholla 22 years, 9 months ago
If you have, Are the worth the money to take one or two and Did they teach you anything? Or if you heard anything about them please post and tell me cause i am thinking about taking one or two of them and i dont want to waste the money if it is not going to teach me anything. Thanks
They''re pretty good.

YUP! they are good. really good.
besides, its has conversion from DX7 to DX8 with D3D.
they teach in terms of OO programming, unlike trying
to it yourself, u will get to noe what are the more important
stuffz required.

and unlike pple here who doesnt really answer your questions
when u post, students & instructors are much more friendlier
I''ve taken 4 courses there and was very satisfied with all of them. I''ll be taking more later. Perhaps the best things about it are that you have ongoing access to resources (source code updates, message boards, chat, etc..), and the pdf versions of the course material an invaluable reference. That alone, to me, is worth the price of admission.
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