Anti burn string ???
there is no magic "antiburn string". you cant prevent copying of cd based games that must run on a pc. systems like securCD encrypt the exe and use a key stored in "bad" secotors of the cd. they are diffiuclt to create, and not worth your time unti you can code games. considering this is in the beginner forum, you should forget about this, and learn programming. dont pay to learn how to protect your game when you dont have one made yet.
If you mean a CD copy protection sheme you may look at these links:
ISO/IEC DIS 9660:1999
You could store that data in the non-data (I do not remember the real name for it, but it is at the beginning of the CD) area of the CD.
ISO/IEC DIS 9660:1999
You could store that data in the non-data (I do not remember the real name for it, but it is at the beginning of the CD) area of the CD.
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