
Trouble with tutorials

Started by May 13, 2002 01:10 AM
3 comments, last by Gorodnichev 22 years, 9 months ago
I download tutorials sources, compile it, run it. Program opened the window and fill it with multicolored pixels (garbage) and so, no any 3d objects. How can I solve this problem? I''m using Linux OS with Mesa, XFree 4.x, NVidia drivers (from, gcc. Tnx. Best wishes!!! Petr Gorodnichev
Best wishes!!!Petr Gorodnichev
Most tutorials is for you to read the source code and its comments and understand it.. not just to compile and run it.
True hackers are intelligent, they have to be. Either they do really great in school because they have nothing better to do, or they don't do so well because school is terribly boring. And the ones who are bored aren't that way because they don't give a shit about learning anything. A true hacker wants to know everything. They're bored because schools teach the same dull things over and over and over, nothing new, nothing challenging.
Of course. I read this sources. Look in manuals every gl* command and red descriptions. And I want to build my first OpenGL application like "Hello world !!!". For example I took Tutorial01 sources, and build it. Tutorial say "You will see triangle and square", but I see only "garbage". Why?
I suppose, that this simple code stored in Tutorial01 must work without and changes, but it don''t work.
May be I''ve problem with my nVidia drivers (but other 3D games work normaly)?
May be I''ve problem with compiler, sources, etc..?
Best wishes!!!Petr Gorodnichev
what tutorial?
there is very little anyone can help you with unless you give them information on WHAT IT IS YOU ARE DOING. Just saying "This program isnt working, whats wrong?" will get you nowhere.

and by the way, there is no possibility it is the nvidia drivers. Even on linux.
You sure that the tutorial was for the Linux OS? couse most tutorials are for Windows sience its the most common OS... if it was for Linux and you only saw crap.. i have no idea why it didnt work.
True hackers are intelligent, they have to be. Either they do really great in school because they have nothing better to do, or they don't do so well because school is terribly boring. And the ones who are bored aren't that way because they don't give a shit about learning anything. A true hacker wants to know everything. They're bored because schools teach the same dull things over and over and over, nothing new, nothing challenging.

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