
Where did the Nehe Source Code go?

Started by May 11, 2002 01:53 PM
0 comments, last by Floppy 22 years, 9 months ago
I just went to and I noticed that in his tutorials the only source code that is available is the Visual C++ code. Well, where did the source code for other operating systems like Linux go (they used to be their right)? I would appreciate getting some of the code so I can test out Mesa 4.0.2 that I just built for my shiny new lfs-system. For example, if you go here. You will notice that at the bottom of the screen there is only Visuall C++ code. I did notice that Nehe put in this nifty print button at the top of the page, but I would like to see the Linux/SDL and Linux/GLX code back their some time soon. I''m sure other users of non-MS operating systems would appreciate that too. Thanks
i hope u dont plan on programming for a living because you cant read. Be sure to read everything before asking questions that have been answered a million times, and I quote "For those of you who cant read, the ports will be back online in a while" or something like that.

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