
Wanna get this of my back

Started by March 09, 2000 09:41 AM
12 comments, last by Deluxe 25 years ago
Ok this probably shouldn''t be here but I wanna get it off my back. Next door lives this couple and their two stupid babies. Ok. We have adog his name is Mikey and he''s a collie. Ok he''s not very big just small very small He barks alot. The couple next door... CALLED THE FREAKING POLICE AND THEY SAID MIKEY TRIED TO BITE THEM. The only thing Mikey does is bark. My friends come over and Mikey doesn''t even bite them. He just sniffs their butt BTW, Erick that was funny about the scrambled eggs ;P
Does anyone listen to Destiny''s Child, TLC, or Sammie?

Jaap Suter
____________________________Mmmm, I''ll have to think of one.
James Bond
Bloody stupid neighbours. They got any evidence
on that biting thing? I mean I''ve never seen
a dog that would just randomly bite people, dogs
usually have to be annoyed or something before
they bite people. Or be trained to do that.
So even if your dog actually tried to bite them,
they must have done something to make it do so.

They sound like annoying neighbours anyway.
The kind of neighbours that just try to annoy you
because of some unknown compulsion they''ve got
about neighbours. Wish them cancer.
They do seem like that. I mean when we first moved here the man gave us strange looks. I was playing my music loud about an hour ago and I turned it down because they might come out and start bitching like always.

Edited by - Deluxe on 3/9/00 10:56:15 AM
Does anyone listen to Destiny''s Child, TLC, or Sammie?
Haha, I''d just play my music louder . Unfortunately, being sadistic gets me in some trouble..Like when they asked me to write an essay about why someone (They gave me the person) was a great leader. I just bashed his leadership abilities (they told me to tell the truth ) and well you can figure out the rest....

"That''s three? What the hell, it was only one a couple of minutes ago"
Here''s a way to get back at them- Mikey can participate too!

When Mikey takes a #2, put that in a paper bag. Run up to your neighbors house, light the paperbag with your dog''s doo-doo in it on fire, ring the door bell and run! With any luck, they''ll try to stomp out the fire, and get poo allllll over the boots! haaaaaa haaaaaa!

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Sorry but my next door neighbours dog pisses me right of, the let it out in the morning when they go to work and it balks non-stop from the second they let it out. It always wakes me up, and I can never get back to sleep, but I'd never call the police on it, maybe give it some canabis to eat to calm it down (joke).

Edited by - Chris F on 3/9/00 9:43:05 PM
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
dogs are territorial animals. they're protective of their yard. it's a totally natural thing, they bark to warn others to stay away, and may possibly attack if they're territory is violated and aren't too scared (my dog's a wuss). all in all, i think dogs are the friendliest creatures there are, and i have yet to run into one that was violent..

your neighbors seem like great people... *cough*

Edited by - fuzzyai on 3/9/00 10:08:44 PM
There might be a law where I live where dogs can''t bark. These idiots are taking away dogs only way to communicate with each other. I wish some mutant animal came and crushed all animal haters. Then the world would be ruled by animals which would be alot better than some fags in the offices now...
Does anyone listen to Destiny''s Child, TLC, or Sammie?

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