
About this error???

Started by May 07, 2002 06:24 AM
13 comments, last by Enalis 22 years, 9 months ago
Well, Doug, I don''t mean to be a jerk, but I get a slew of returns from google from just typing in "C2664:". Here is one particularly useful result from Microsoft that I found right on the first page: Compiler Error C2664. And here is a url that I think you should consider book marking for future reference: Visual C++ Concepts: Building a C/C++ Program: C/C++ Build Errors.

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
This error is caused either when you forget to tell the linker to use a library or if you forgot to make a prototype for the function OR if you forgot to #include a needed file.

All the message means is that the linker can''t find the function.
--------------------------Insert witty comment here!--------------------------
im gonna be a wanker also
but all these errors are caused because youve just begun, get a book (not a website) and learn the basics of c or c++ first, youll save yourself (+ evryone elses time in the long run) youll thank me for suggesting it to.
Douglas Eugene Reisinger II
Projects/Profile Site
Geeze! Doesnt anyone have the MSDN library? Alot of these problems can be solved with that instead of wasting time on here. You can look up EVERY error that microsoft gives you when compiling or linking. You know is also a good place to go! Geeze!

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