
2 things

Started by March 08, 2000 06:55 PM
19 comments, last by Deluxe 24 years, 11 months ago
1) Please don''t ban Phorsak. He was just trying to be funny. I''ve tried to do that to and ended up getting banned in IRC channels. 2) I need to know if it might be a good idea (and original one) to make an anime RPG/adventure type game? Thanks
Does anyone listen to Destiny''s Child, TLC, or Sammie?
1) He deserves to be banned. In my opinion, not for explicitly insulting girls, but for all the profanity he has used (not to mention the jibberish, and the flooding of the posts). He deserves to be banned- he was TRYING to be funny at first, but now he is trying to annoy everyone intentionally.

2) I think it''d be a great idea! While I''m still learning the concepts of C++, that''s kind of my goal by the end of the year 2000. I''ve always liked anime, and RPGs are my favorite kind of games. While, granted, it would be long and involved, if you completed an anime RPG/Adventure, it would be a great achievement!

If you ever do get around to making a game like, once you have a few screenshots- post them here! I''d be really happy to see what you''ve made!

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
I''ll probably start this project after I finish this one right now. The game is going to be called StarLander and it''s a RPG/adventure with some unlock modes. I can''t wait to finish writing the arena unlock for it. It''s going to be programmed in Visual Basic and I hope to have it out by March of next year. I do need some graphic artists and some sound people to help me cause I kinda suck at those things.
Does anyone listen to Destiny''s Child, TLC, or Sammie?
Well I say ban him! He pisses my off...alot!
Anyway I think you really should make an Anime RPG! My fav genre is RPGs so another one wouldnt hurt and I really like Anime too

(Phorsak just really pisses me off)
"End Communication!", Kang from Rigel-4
thank you for banning phorsak, he was a nutsak

Stop using my words damnit And until I learn how to change signatures you guys are stuck. So TOUGH

Do you think I am stuuuupid? Don't answer that.
I like love to like talk like a girl because they like have the like funny way of like saying like like all the time. It is like mainly because they like need a few more seconds to like think about like what they are like going to like say next.
Ok Ok OK!!!!! \/\/ WHATEVER!!!

Edited by - Phorsak on 3/9/00 6:18:19 AM
Phorsak: I thought you were required to remove your annoying signature,

Stop flooding the boards with annoyance, this site is available to help game programmers learn the art. If you are not going to help or ask help then you really should not bother other people.

GameDev is by gamers for gamers !!!!!!
Click on the - my profile - link and edit your profile
Fredic: If you wanted to know I''ve decided to name the anime RPG/adventure project "Airkyo" and I''m going to use my soon to be created engine "Freese" for it.
Does anyone listen to Destiny''s Child, TLC, or Sammie?

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