
Orginal Lesson 23 (DInput) dropped from NeHe's site?

Started by May 06, 2002 09:53 PM
1 comment, last by Xersist 22 years, 9 months ago
Has anyone noticed that the orginal lesson 23 "Lionel Brits & NeHe''s 3D World Tutorial" was dropped from the site? NeHe also repackaged the zip files to reflect this? I searched the messages on ''why'' this was so but could not find an answer. I know it''s not specific to OpenGL but it was dropped without notice? Wish it was still here maybe under the title of Lesson 23-a or something. Anyone/Nehe know why he/you dropped this lesson besides not being OpenGL related? Later, X
im mailing it to you now..

Sorry, something wrong with my email.
i cant send it.


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